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An effective process safety management program requires a systematic approach to evaluating the whole process. Using this approach, the process design, process technology, operational and maintenance activities and procedures, non-routine activities and procedures, emergency preparedness plans and procedures, training programs, and other elements which impact the process are all considered in the evaluation. Process safety management (PSM) is widely credited for reductions in major accident risk to prevent unwanted releases of hazardous chemicals and improved process industry performance. The process safety management standard targets highly hazardous chemicals that have the potential to cause a catastrophic incident. ADEPP Digital's process safety experts have the required qualification and experience to implement the PSM for your project
Process Safety Elements
E1-Leadership, Commitment and Responsibilities (Safety Culture)
E2-Identification and compliance with legistations and standards
E3- Employee selection, placement and competency assurance
E4-Workforce involvemen
E5- Communication with stakeholders
E6- Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
E7- Documentation, Records and Knowledge Management
E8-Operating Manuals and Procedures
E9- Process and operational status monitoring, and handover
E10- Management of operational interfaces
E11- Standards and Practices
E12- Management of Chanage and Project Management
E13 Operational readiness and process Start-Up
E14 Emergency preparedness
E15 Inspection and maintenance
E-16 Management of Safety Critical Devises
E17 Work Control, Permit to Work and task risk management
E18- Contractors and Supplier selections and management
E-19 Incident reporting and investigation
E20- Audit, assurance, management review and intervention
Process Safety Management!
ADEPP Digital assists the projects in meeting their Process Safety Management challenges with a clear understanding of the requirements of sound Process Safety Management (PSM) program design and implementation, as well as global coverage and support to comply with local requirements. We provide the following services:
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