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Hazard Identification Study (HAZID)
The HAZID studies will be conducted during the FEED phase. During the early phase of the detailed engineering, A facilitator will be assigned from PMC OilPro, and the lead safety engineer will coordinate the arrangements for the sessions, including schedules and procedures, with the Engineering Manager and HSE Manager. The methodology, checklists and software to be used will be specified in the HAZID procedure. HAZID session will review non-process hazards and process hazards (hazards associated with unplanned releases). In particular, the following aspects will be systematically reviewed:
A complete HAZID study report will be issued with recommendations addressed for further actions. The status of the recommendations will be updated by disciplines in charge and closeout reported will be issued to Company.
Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Study
HAZOP Study review will be performed when the P&IDs have reached the appropriate stage of development upon precedence of mutual agreement between Company and PMC OilPro on that stage. The HAZOP study will be guided and documented with appropriate software (e.g. PHA Pro). A worksheet will be loaded ahead of each meeting and set up for recording of the HAZOP team’s discussions. A complete HAZOP study report will be issued with recommendations addressed for further actions. The status of the recommendations will be updated by disciplines in charge and closeout reported will be issued to Company.
Safety Integrity Level (SIL)
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) is defined as a discrete level for specifying the safety requirements of the safety functions to be allocated to safety-related systems, where safety integrity level 4 has the highest level of integrity and safety integrity level 1 has the lowest (PMC OilPro avoid the use of SIL4 and require the hazard to be addressed by redesign instead).
SIL assessment will be performed right after HAZOP review by facilitator provided by PMC OilPro. SIL assessment will consider automatically operated loops only including the following elements: sensors, logic solvers and final elements. The activity will be carried out in accordance with the classification methods described in IEC 61511 and IEC 61508. Details of the methods will be stated in the SIL assessment procedure. PMC OilPro instrumentation team will conduct SIL verification by algebraic calculation after SIL assessment to make sure that the design meets the SIL requirement.
Preliminary Risk Assessment (PRA)
The objective of Preliminary Risk Assessment (PRA) is to list major scenarios to be studied in detailed risk analysis. The risks associated with scenario hazard outcomes to human,
environment and assets are screened with respect to damage frequency and severity categories using the risk screening matrix.
PRA will be performed following the steps and the methodologies:
Detail Risk Assessment (DRA)
Detail Risk Assessment (DRA) will be performed at the early stage of engineering phase using AFD P&ID after PRA forms an important part of the decision making around the acceptability of risk of the project. The objective of the detailed risk assessment (DRA) of scenarios is to confirm the risk associated with major scenarios by accounting for the following:
Quantification of the frequency of central critical events and hazard outcomes by taking into consideration the design safety barriers (such as isolation, blow down, deluge, etc)
Identification of scenarios within Level 1 and Level 2 regions of DRA risk matrix to provide a list of scenarios to be studied in a Risk Reduction Workshop.
Template for documenting Risk Management Sheets (RMS) will be utilized for reporting ALARP demonstration of scenarios associated with major and significant scenarios.
Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)
Quantitative Risk Assessment will be performed to provide an estimate of the risk resulting from the operation of facility. This risk may be expressed in terms or probability of serious injury or fatality per year to an individual, risk to groups, or risks to the environment. All scenarios will be defined upon precedence of mutual agreement between company and PMC OilPro. The procedure of the assessment involves a series of specific stages, as follows:
Fire and Explosion Risk Analysis (FERA)
A FERA, including a blast overpressure study will be performed to assess the consequences of fire, explosion and gas dispersion hazards arising from accidental releases from the hydrocarbon process. The results of the analysis will be used for plant spacing, to specify mitigation measures for accidental loadings on site buildings and as input to the Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA). This assessment will be carried out and the results will be a part of QRA. The detail is to assess potential risks on the facilities such as jet fire, pool fire, explosion; FERA will be performed including the following:
The DNV PHAST software will be used for consequence modeling such as fire, explosion, radiation.
Risk Reduction Workshop (RRW)
PMC oilPro will organize the RRW to review the risk analysis results. Attendees of the workshop will be Company’s HSE representative.
Safety Critical Element (SCE) Identification
PMC OilPro will hold a SCE review workshop to identify the safety Critical Element (SCE). The meeting will be conducted by the Engineering Manager with support of the Lead Safety engineer, and the attendees will be Company representatives, PMC OilPro’s relevant discipline representatives and project engineers.
Identification of Safety Critical Elements (SCEs) will be derived from the major scenarios based on comprehensive assessments. A preliminary list will be established to allow development of performance standard before procurement is launched. SCE list will be utilized Bow-Tie analysis. The developed SCE list will be established by selecting individual SCEs involved in critical scenarios classified as “disastrous” or “catastrophic”. PMC OilPro will produce and maintain the SCE Register.
Performance Standard for Safety Critical Elements (SCE)
Performance Standard for Safety Critical Elements will be prepared and issued to Company for review and approval. These are the key technical requirements to be met by SCEs in order to ensure they are effectively operable on demand, they perform as expected and they have some capacity to survive incidents. Performance standards describe the goal of an SCE in its safety critical role and the performance requirements/thresholds (acceptance criteria) the SCE must meet during design and operational life. This plan is for design, operational SCE will be studied during MIEC. Performance standards (PS) include all the controls that are needed to verify SCE integrity together with the minimum performance that should be maintained for each control point.
Assurance activities (maintenance, inspection and testing) will be put in place to continuously demonstrate that SCEs remain fit for purpose during their whole service life in the framework of MIEC. Performance standards (PS) include all the controls that are needed to verify SCE integrity together with the minimum performance that should be maintained for each control point. Performance Standards should cover three main areas of control:
Functionality – What to control to ensure the equipment fulfills its functions
Availability, reliability – At what frequency should it be controlled and maintained to meet p erformance/integrity minimum requirements
Survivability – Does the equipment need to keep its functions during an incident and how to maintain this capacity
As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP)
ALARP demonstration will be performed by EPC365. A risk register of ALARP demonstration will be prepared during RRW and maintained to ensure that all HSE issues and risks are properly addressed throughout the project. It involves weighting a risk against the trouble, time and const needed to control it.
ALARP demonstration for blast overpressure protection will be issued at early stage of design to freeze the layout as soon as possible. ALARP Demonstration report is compiled which demonstrates the project has taken all steps necessary to prevent major accidents and to reduce their consequences. It is a facility or operation specific demonstration of the HSE Management System in action, documenting that risks have been, or will be, reduced to ‘acceptable’ or ‘as low as reasonably practicable’ (ALARP).
RAM Study
The objective of RAM study is to quantify the availability performance in terms of the plant mean availability, the equipment / system criticality, identification of the critical spare equipment items, and the production capacity.
The RAM study will be carried out according to the following order for the availability analysis:
PMC oilPro will submit a RAM Study Assumptions to Company for review once the first draft of RBD is developed. Company’s comments on the RAM Study Assumptions will be reflected and applied to the study.
Design HSE Case
A Design HSE Dossier will be prepared to demonstrate that all significant HSE risks have been identified and assessed and will be controlled to a level as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP). The Design HSE Dossier will contain the facility description, HSE management description, and HSE risk analysis reports and response plans.
The objective of Design Safety Case is to demonstrated:
Design Safety Case will be developed after finalizing the steps as mentioned above to summarize each action and relevant documents attached.
HSE Action Tracking Register
An HSE Action Tracking Register will be used by EPC365 to track the status of all HSE Action items arising from the HSE activities stated in the above, such as HAZID, HAZOP, SIL, PRA, DRA, QRA and FERA.
Risk Based Engineering!
Hazard identification, evaluation and risk management is an integral part of the engineering activities and construction planning. provides all services related to Risk Based Engineering.
ADEPP Digital Risk Based Engineering services include the HSE studies and reviews relevant to engineering such as but not limted:
The identification, evaluation and management process is regulated by specific procedures and may vary from project to project, depending on the type of plant, including location, applicable legislation, and the Company’s requirements.
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